Google Earth

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Recompilation de GOOGLE EATH La version proposée par le téléchargement sur Google Earth ne respecte pas les règle de debian. De plus, certaines dépendances doivent être modifiées pour que le logiciel soit compatible avec les nouvelles versions d'ubuntu.

This is only a workaround until Google Earth is repackaged.


Google Earth Build Package

  1. Download Google Earth x64 .DEB[1]
  2. Open Terminal, Copy & Paste Following Command And Press Enter
sudo apt-get install libc6:i386 lsb-core
  1. Open Downloads Folder
  2. Right Click On Google Earth .deb package & Select Extract Here
  3. Open the folder where files are extracted.
  4. Open the DEBIAN Folder
  5. Open the control file with gedit
  6. Remove this whole Line: Depends: lsb-core (>= 3.2), ia32-libs
  7. Now Click Save, & Exit Control File
  8. Now Delete The Original Google Earth .DEB Package You Downloaded
  9. Create A Folder called getfix, Now Move The Extracted Google Earth Folder Into The getfix Folder
Now we Are Going To Rebuild The Google Earth .deb Package
1. Open Terminal, copy/paste the following command then press Enter:
dpkg -b ~/Downloads/getfix/google-earth-stable_current_amd64
2. Copy/paste the following command (this will install the repackaged .deb)
sudo dpkg -i ~/Downloads/getfix/google-earth-stable_current_amd64.deb


Le fichier control d'origine

Package: google-earth-stable
Architecture: amd64
Maintainer: Google Earth Team <>
Installed-Size: 198628
Pre-Depends: dpkg (>= 1.14.0)
Depends: lsb-core (>= 3.2), ia32-libs
Section: net
Priority: optional
Description: Explore, search and discover the planet
 Google Earth lets you fly anywhere to see satellite imagery, 3D buildings, 3D trees, terrain, Street View, planets and much more.

Le fichier control modifié

Voir aussi


Le forum (Discussions sur les cartes marines et les traductions pour OpenCPN)



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