Projet mkd/mkd/Help
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Version du 4 mars 2013 à 16:03
Example of use
Functions files
When possible, they wrote each function in a separate computer file.
When the functions are grouped in a single file, the documentation will appear in the same order as in the file.
In function file must specifify usage, and syntax for header file.
Example for cpp_ function : in cpp_.c file
/*D function cpp_ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION: The cpp_ function reads the source file (pnfile) transmitted from the calling function, and décodes the comments pre-encoded in lines or blocks of style c++. and then writing this comments in a target file (pfdoc). Pre-coded characters are defined in a external global table 'Codes'; The golbal variables are 'Codes' and 'Options'. The 'Codes': table of 5 characters: extern char codes[]; They must be défined in the calling function: char codes[5] = {0,0,0,0,0}; The 'Options': n,s,t,v. extern unsigned char n,s,t,v; They must be défined in the calling function: unsigned char n=0,s=0,t=0,v=0; With the options: n: The transcript is preceded by line number. This allows to easily reach the commented line. t: With the t option only the commented text is copied. Without the t option the entire line or block is copied. The-t option permit to generate directly exploitable and publishable documents. s: Add le comment to the screen to use shell redirections > , >> , or || etc. v: Verbose mode. Remark: If the decoded comment begins with the characters "/*", the comment is copied until find the characters "*/", whatever included any comment-line starting with "//". If the decoded comment begins with the characters "//", the line is copied until find the end-of-line or new-line 'NL' character or end-of-file 'EOF'. This provisions facilitate the automatic generation of header files (file.h ; .hpp ; etc.) and documentation of functions. SYNTAX: #include "version.h" #include "cpp_.h" int cpp_(FILE *pfdoc, FILE *pnfile); PORTABILITY: Microsoft Visual studio under Windows : x86(Win32) x64(Win32 and WIN64) gcc under Unix/Linux. DESCRIPTION: cpp_ fonction FILE * pfdoc: pointer of the target file opened by the calling function. FILE * pnfile: pointer of the source file opened by the calling function RETURN VALUE: Return 0 in case of success. COPYRIGHT: (Specified in version.h) : */ /*H // cpp_.c: extern int cpp_ (FILE * pfdoc, FILE * pnfile); */
Command file and Makefile
All the paths to the files of the application are writen in a project file in the alphabetical order.
- Example : "ls -1 *.c > app.prj" will contain the name of all files to generates the sofware documentation. Attention, ls -1 (number) and not -l (character 'l')
The command line : "mkd -Cjt H app.prj app.h" generates the header file off all functions of the application.
The command line : "mkd -Cjt D app.prj app_functions.documentation" generates the documentation of all functions of the application.
Example of lines included in a Makefile
In this example the Makefile is in the sources files.
APP = MyProgram # This is any "macro" Create_header_and_functions-doc: # here, this is any unconditional directive. if [ -e "/usr/bin/mkd" ]; \ # Warning: the first char is a tabulation and not spaces then \ ls -1 *.cpp > $APP.prj; \ # first create or overwrite new project file mkd -Ctw H $APP.prj $APP.h: \ # create or overwrite header file mkd -Ctw D $APP.prj $APP.txt: \ # create or overwrite functions documentation mkd -Cwn w $APP.prj $APP.wars; \# create or overwrite warnind documentation for programmers else \ @echo "The mkd command is not installed in bin directory"; \ fi